The almond blossom in February....
The Iris in March....
Cylamen and freesias in April....
and the wisteria .....
and an unknown plant that the bees just LOVE..........together with the Spring jasmine the air was thick with perfume and humming for a brief glorious span...
The the roses started... and the tulips....
the St Swithun rose in honour of my dear departed Mum, who lived in St Swithun Street
My beautiful Mother's day bouquet from my wonderful children...
And of course the Royal Wedding happened..... what a lovely girlie day we had, indulging in yummy things with lots of our freinds....
But I have not been idle! Here are the projects I've finished in the the past few months.....
Barbie Spanish outfit, its a separate top knickers and skirt, very fiddly but so worth the effort. If you want the pattern ask, its a freebie on the internet somewhere, I thinks it called Fandango...made from UFO patchwork squares and quilted, was received with delight.
My rug hooked cushion is STILL a WIP, but its very nearly done, I've ripped out flowers time and again until I was completely happy, now I just have to finish the boring filling in of the background, that's why it is languishing behind the sofa..... Come on you all do it too!
But I am VERY proud of this
And another TADAH!
My Spanish Hill Town is done! Love this design, but am I glad to stop sewing in green and orange!
I've started a new cross stitch of antique tea pots from the V&A, blues and pinks, delicious!
Last but not least, a stripey jumper for my little pickle who is nearly 1 yr old, amazing where the time goes. I had such a lovely visit with him and his Mum and Dad in May.
all of them LOVED this, so it was worth sewing in all those pesky ends!
Well, time to do the boring things now, but I will be back soon to tell you about my venture into Luceting.......