- Not a lot of progress in the past couple of weeks, with ill health in the house (including hospitals) there has been no time or no energy for creativity, but I do have three little FO's (finished objects)
Aren't they cute? Pattern from little cotton rabbits (link in last post) I had trouble with the size of the head and made the middle one smaller, it seemed more in proportion with the rest of the egg cozy. These were meant to be Easter gifts but will travel with me in my suitcase next weekend instead, as sadly I'm off to the UK for a family funeral.
The up side of that is I will see my kids and my little pickle and get to give him his in person. The other bonus is I can take a small portable project with me to work on which always delights me. I can't be the only one who when travelling is on the horizon, first plans what project to take? My non crafty friends probably find this extraordinary, please someone tell me I'm not alone? Anyway, I've decided I will make teddy clothes and take my crochet crocodile stitch bag in progress too.
The WIP's (works in progress) are gradually growing, the second never ending sleeve is plodding along and the stole I had trouble with is finally taking shape.
Turns out I had been working on the wrong number of starting stitches and just could not get the pattern to work...I thought I was going mad, especially as I heard a friend who hasn't knitted for 40 years had already powered through three of these beauties!
The formula is tricky, the main panels are 9 stitches across, the linking panels are two stitches across with yarn overs in between and I wanted three edge stitches. Anyway much scratching of head and maths later I worked out I needed 70 sts and now it works! I'm using oddments of mohair and other weights of yarn that tone, with two rows of a silky ribbon in between. It's a one row pattern with purl on the reverse, but I do need to concentrate, but once it is going you can 'read' the stitches quite easily.
When snatching a few minutes to relax this week I have been watching a DVD lent by a friend on how to colour stamped images with alcohol pens.
Although I have some promarkers not these pens, they work the same way and I was able to find similar colours from my selection to practice with.
It's a very good DVD, simple step by step demo's with lots of hints and tips along the way, I would highly recommend it.
Here is what I did after watching it, a cute little boy from the Crafters Companion range of SWALK stamps...
And a sweet Flower Fairy from the same company, called Wild Cherry. the flowers look just like the almond blossom we have here. They have both turned out quite light, this is because when the alcohol evaporates from the ink the colours lighten. I think I will go back and darken some shadows. I will spray the wings with glitter as well, for some fairy magic! Really enjoyed this, colouring-in the grown up way! I can't wait to try a poppies stamp next, such vibrant in-your-face flowers.
Meanwhile Spring is busting out all over!
Another sight that fills me with joy is sight of this lovely bright green Hosta pushing its leaves up into the sunlight, so cheerful and perfect, (until the snails discover it!)
The whole garden is screaming at me for attention, but it will have to wait until my ME calms down again.
Bye for now, hopefully there will be more FO's than WIP's next time!